Students in the program are required to complete all of the following courses, plus 8 units of electives from either clinical or organizational offerings.
P777 Advanced Group Psychotherapy
This course will focus on the use of dreams in groups, working with dreams and dreamtelling as a request for a container.
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Students are required to take courses in: Personality Theory, Behavioral Medicine & Health Psychology, Behavioral Neurobiology, Neuropsychological Assessment, Social Bases of Behavior, Cognitive Bases of Behavior, Supervised Internship, Advanced Psychopathology, Clinical Psychopharmacology, Advanced Psychotherapy Course Sequence, Psychodiagnostic Assessment Sequence, Clinical Case Conference, The Nature and Functioning of Psychological Inquiry.
[/av_textblock] [/av_three_fifth][av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] PSY 749 Personality Theory (4 units)Examination of major theoretical approaches to understanding personality development, structure and functioning. Considering different models, this course focuses on how personality theories are built, the elements of such theories, and the relationship between personality theory and intervention. Limitations of each theoretical conceptualization and the impact of these limits on application and research. Students are encouraged to recognize their own assumptions about personality and to organize those assumptions into an evolving conceptualization.
Focus: Group Psychotherapy
The manifestation of personality in groups. Different roles of group members and their relation to personality and to role in the family. The question of identity and its multiple layers as revealed in diverse group settings. The implication of different personality approaches to group assessment and intervention. Students are encouraged to recognize their roles in different groups they attend.
PSY 765 Behavioral Medicine & Health Psychology (4 units)
An overview of current theoretical perspectives and techniques in behavioral medicine, defined broadly as “a bio-psycho-social-approach to the treatment of illness.” Topics include psychological responses to traumatic or chronic illness, pain management, changing health-threatening behavior patterns, and enhancement of performance and health. Demonstration of such specific techniques as guided imagery, biofeedback, body/movement therapies, and group treatments. Practical experience with various modalities is emphasized.
Focus: Group Psychotherapy
Attention is directed to group-based processes that facilitate both physical and mental health. This review includes both concepts and direct experiences in the use of such group-based techniques as psychodrama, guided imagery, art therapy, and body movement therapies.
PSY 770 Behavioral Neurobiology (4 units)
An introduction to behavioral neurosciences with an exploration of the physiology underlying human behavior. Included are functional neuroanatomy, neuroendocrine functions, psychosomatic disorders and psychoneuroimmunology. Consideration is also given to the design of research and theory regarding the neurophysiology (mind/body interactions) underlying human behavior.
Focus: Group Psychotherapy
The impact of groups on our neurobiology. The difference and connection between physiological, mental and interpersonal processes. Discussion of specific groups related to neurobiology (e.g. cancer, AIDS, medical, psychosomatic and trauma groups).
PSY 772 Social Bases of Behavior (4 units)
A focus on the social influences of individual and group behavior with an emphasis on perception, cognition, identity, attitudes, conformity, aggression and interpersonal relationships. Exploration of the relationship between individuals and their social contexts, both cross- culturally and historically. In-depth discussions of these issues relevant to clinical, group, and organizational interventions.
Focus: Group Psychotherapy
Why group therapy? Advantages and disadvantages of psychotherapy in groups. An overview of small group theories and group processes. Central concepts related to groups and their application in group therapy. Exploration of factors affecting interpersonal communication and group outcome. Curative group factors. Group development and stages in groups. Implications for the group therapist roles.
PSY 774 Cognitive Bases of Behavior (4 units)
A comprehensive exploration of numerous psychological theories related to the development and organization of thought and memory. Ways in which cognitive processes influence the individual’s perceptions of reality, emotional experiences, motivation, and behavior. A consideration of various contemporary research studies concerning the development of intervention strategies useful for clinical, group, or organizational change.
Focus: Group Psychotherapy
The conscious level of groups. The group setting, contract and structure. Cognitive preparation for group work. Cognitive-behavior groups with various disorders and populations.
PSY 801 Supervised Internship (10 units)
Supervised group work in a practice setting over a one-year period. This experience is designed to help students integrate their academic, theoretical, and professional understanding while strengthening their application and intervention skills.
Focus: Group Psychotherapy
Completion of Portfolio. A three level training/internship forms the foundation of this Portfolio. Student first completes an intensive group therapy training program, then begins facilitating groups as a co-therapist with a senior therapist. At the third level, the student facilitates groups without a co- therapist, but under supervision. In addition to the above activities, the student is expected to participate in group-psychotherapy conferences and later send a proposal for presentation at a professional meeting.
Prerequisite: 73 graduate-level quarter units including the following courses or their equivalent:
PSY 607 – Psychopathology
PSY 608 – Ethics, Law and Psychology
PSY 611- Theory & Practice of Psychotherapy
PSY 695 – Supervised Practicum
PSY 806 Advanced Psychopathology (4 units)
In this course, students will study the important dimensions of personality. functioning and pathology, with a concentrated focus on differential diagnosis, etiological variables, and treatment implications.
Prerequisite: PSY 607 – Psychopathology II, PSY 880-882
Focus: Group Psychotherapy
Patient selection to groups according to assessment. The specific ways in which disturbances are manifested in the group. Disorders as transpersonal phenomena. A relational view of psychopathology. Difficult patients in groups.
PSY 862 Clincal Psychopharmacology (4 units)
Examination of the effects of psychoactive substances, with particular focus on their utilization as an exclusive or concomitant therapy in the treatment of emotional and behavioral disorders. Effects of substance abuse are explored, as is the relationship between psychologists and physicians in the management of psychiatric medication for patients.
Prerequisite: PSY 770 – Behavioral Neurobiology
Focus: Group Psychotherapy
Medication-support groups and the important role of group’s unique therapeutic factors. The role group therapists can play collaborating with psychiatrists. Substance abuse groups.
PSY 870-872 Advanced Psychotherapy Course Sequence (12 units total)
This series of three courses over one academic year is designed to present students with an in-depth review of a number of theoretical and technical models of psychotherapy. A wide array of treatment approaches is presented, with an emphasis on theoretical underpinnings, the role of assessment in determining therapists’ strategies, specific interventions, and the evaluation of treatment outcomes. Various topics are covered including: psychodynamically-oriented psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral approaches, brief therapy, integrative models, and special focus modules in selected areas, such as object relations theory, self-psychology, narrative therapy, treatment of severe personality disorders, and therapy for trauma victims.
Focus: Group Psychotherapy
We will explore the meaning of each approach to group therapy: psychodynamic, ego-psychology, object relations, self-psychology, relational, cognitive-behavior therapy. We will learn specific interventions stemming from several approaches in group therapy. We will discuss the functions of the group therapist, assessment of the group situation, and following – utilization of numerous techniques of leading the group. One of the courses will be devoted specifically to developing the group leader’ skills.
Each of the three courses is valued at 4 units as indicated below.
PSY 880-882 Psychodiagonstic Assessment Sequence: Assessment of Adults (15 units total)
This is a three-quarter sequence integrating interviewing, testing, cognitive and personality evaluation, differential diagnosis, treatment planning, case presentation, and report writing. Emphasis is on administration, scoring and interpretation of a full diagnostic battery to assess normal and pathological development, personality functioning and disorder, and effects of pharmacological and psychotherapeutic intervention.
Focus: Group Psychotherapy
We will learn about questionnaires and other methods to screen members for the group, to evaluate group processes (group cohesion, bonding with the group therapist, etc.) and tools to asses the outcome of group therapy.
General description of each quarter’s content follows:
PSY 880 Psychodiagnostic Assessment (5 units)
Introduction to the structure and preparation of psychological reports. Administration and scoring of a variety of assessment techniques (e.g., W AIS-ill, Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised, Bender-Gestalt, Trail-Making). Test results are analyzed, interpreted, synthesized with additional data (e.g., history and clinical observations), and presented in a psychological report. The focus is on cognitive functioning in particular with an introduction to objective personality assessment measures.
Prerequisite: PSY 685 – Psychological Tests & Measurement
PSY 881 Psychodiagnostic Assessment (5 units)
Continues to build upon the battery approach to psychodiagnostic evaluation through in-depth focus on objective personality tests~ such as the MMPI-2 and MCMI-ill. Projective assessment begins with instruction on the TAT~ H-T-P~ Sentence Completion Test, and Rorschac~ utilizing the Comprehensive System.
Prerequisite: PSY 880 – Psychodiagnostic Assessment I
PSY 882 Psychodiagnostic Assessment (5 units)
given to administration and interpretation of a full diagnostic battery. Comprehensive learning and skills are solidified through in-depth presentation of clinical and diagnostic material and writing of a comprehensive report.
Prerequisite: PSY 881 – Psychodiagnostic Assessment
PSY 890 Clinical Case Conference (4 units)
This seminar provides in-depth clinical supervision in a group setting. Students present clinical cases and the class discusses issues of assessment, treatment interventions, counter-transferences, ethical concerns, and other relevant clinical material. The course is taken during co-enrollment in a clinical field placement setting and meets in alternate weeks over two quarters.
Corequisite: PSY 801 – Supervised Internship
Focus: Group Psychotherapy
At least half of the case material will be taken from groups.
PSY 784-786 The Nature and Functioning of Psychological Inquiry (15 units)
This year long sequence of courses highlights the fundamental issues and variety of approaches to psychological inquiry. Attention is given to the history and systems of psychological inquiry, to the wide-range of quantitative and qualitative methods of inquiry being engaged by practicing psychologists today, and to the strategies of psychological inquiry that might be engaged by students as they prepare their dissertation proposals. The focus of these three courses is no applied research and on the interplay between theory, research and practice, so that students enrolled in these courses might become successful “reflective practitioners” who consistently reflect on their own practices, while contributing to the accumulating wisdom of their field.
PSY 784 The Nature and Functioning of Psychological Inquiry I: History and Systems (5 units)
This first quarter of the Psychological Inquiry sequence focuses on the fundamental issues being addressed by men and women who have been concerned with the human condition. Enduring schools of psychological theory and accompanying schools of psychological inquiry will be identified, along with the philosophical orientations and historical context that produced and sustained each school. Several seminal psychological theorists will be featured and their approach to psychological inquiry will be carefully examined, using primary texts as a guide and source of classroom dialogue. Students will be expected to prepare a refined essay that focused on one psychological theme or one psychological theory. This paper constitutes one half of the research requirement for advancement to doctoral candidacy.
Focus: Group Psychotherapy
Attention is given to the history of group psychotherapy. Some of the seminal psychological theorists to be examined will be selected from among those who have focused on group dynamics and the use of groups as vehicles for healing and mental health. The essay being prepared for this course will focus on a group psychological theme or theory.
PSY 785 The Nature and Functioning of Psychological Inquiry II: Methods (5 units)
This second quarter of the Psychological Inquiry sequence provides students with several options with regard to the methods of psychological inquiry. Students select two psychological inquiry modules from a set of at least four. The student’s choices are based on his or her research and career interests, as well as his or her background in modes of psychological inquiry. Modules will vary from year to year depending on student interests (identified during PSY 784), but will typically include some of the following: statistics, computer modeling, qualitative methodology, quantitative methodology and research design, and program evaluation.
PSY 786 The Nature and Functioning of Psychological Inquiry II: Strategies (5 units)
This final quarter of the Psychological Inquiry sequence focuses on integration and application. Students select a specific topic for extensive inquiry (usually related to their anticipated dissertation project). They prepare a proposal regarding how they will address this topic, making use of the methodologies they have studied in PSY 785 and the perspectives they have gained regarding the history and systems of psychological inquiry in PSY 784. Students will be expected to prepare a refined document that demonstrates a command of the concepts and methodologies offered in the previous two courses in this sequence. This paper constitutes one half of the research requirement for advancement to doctoral candidacy.